A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

๐Ÿ“– Introduction :

Hello Golem !
  Your mission, and you accept it, is to find everything you can about this old fool and his inventions.
  We NEED his incredible creations (including his infinite coffee cup) !!!
Now GO !
The Concilio Magorum

Hello sadi-- *khof* I mean magic questing friends !
In Lovely Traps Dungeon, you will guide our dear golem friend through the mad wizard's mazes and twisted contraptions in an attempt to recover his immense knowledge ! ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ
P.S : Golems are just moulded clay so don't worry about "it".

๐Ÿ˜ˆโœ’๏ธ Game in active development โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

For fresh news, please visit our Discord + Patreon page
(links down below in "more information").

๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay :

  • Third person platformer with puzzle mechanics
  • Classic WASD or ZQSD | left stick controls with mouse or right stick to orient view
  • Keyboard users can use Left Shift to force safe slow walk.
  • Mouse wheel or gamepad Up and Down control zoom
  • If something can be pushed, just move towards it, the golem will handle it
  • No lives or "continue". You melted, got compressed, crushed or rolled over ? You will respawn at the last visited checkpoint.
  • Time attack : there is a timer on top of your screen and a proof screenshot is taken at the end of each level. You can manualy make one by pressing CTRL+S.
  • There is often more than one solution
  • You might "glide" a bit since the golem is slightly slippery BUT if you release movement controls and your horizontal velocity is not too high,, our friend will have some "preservation" instinct.

Screenshots are put in [the game folder]/Saved/Screenshots

๐Ÿ’พ Setup and play :

  • On Windows the LovelyTrapsDungeon(_Demo).bat script
  • On Linux the LovelyTrapsDungeon(_Demo).sh script

A desktop launcher can be created to put on your desktop or anywhere else :

  • On Windows, using the SETUP-CreateDesktopShortcu.bat script
  • On Linux, using the SETUP-CreateDesktopShortcu.sh script

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Hardware :

Your hardware needs to be able to render SM6 Vulkan shaders. Have at least 8Gb of RAM and a solid 4 cores CPU.
The game auto-configures but you can tweak the settings.
Since it is using Epic upscaling technology, you shouldn't have any compatibility issue. 
Please use the "screen percentage" slider to improve your performances by reducing the resolution and upscaling.
The game uses borderless fullscreen or windowed modes.


Download demo

lovely-traps-dungeon-demo-linux-stable.zip 335 MB
Version 1.2
lovely-traps-dungeon-demo-win64-stable.zip 397 MB
Version 1.2

Development log

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